Complaints Policy

We are committed to resolving complaints effectively and as quickly as possible. In the event that you wish to make a complaint please call Jeff on 07752957571 or email [email protected] Alternatively, you can post your complaint in writing to; 48 Maytown Road, Bessbrook, Co.Down, BT35 7NE

We will initially acknowledge your complaint. Please note we have 8 weeks to respond to you with a final decision, although we will keep in contact with you during this to update you with the progress of our investigation.

Our investigation will include:

  • A full assessment of the nature of your complaint
  • If a third party is involved a detailed summary will be provided
  • Breakdown of how the complaint can be resolved
  • If the complaint shall be upheld and if any action or redress is required to you

All evidence gathered will be assessed fairly in line with the Financial Ombudsman service guidance in order for us to make a decision regarding your complaint. Upon receipt of your complaint we will issue you with an acknowledgement, detailing how we will proceed with your complaint and keep you updated at all times. A final response will be issued within 8 weeks of receipt of the complaint if a funder has been involved. If we have been unable to resolve the complaint within this timescale for whatever reason we will inform you and the third party of our position and why we are not able to make a final response at this time and advise you of when we will be able to provide you with a final response. If you are dissatisfied with the delay or do not agree with our decision you may refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman:
Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR
Telephone: 0300 123 9123